
Yawn, I have been lazy…or overworked. I never find the time to keep up on here anymore, I’m sorry. I know so many of you enjoy laughing at my days, so here is a quick laugh and a recipe (sorry it has to do with poop, yeah I know it doesn’t go well with a recipe).

A few days ago Addie walked up to me in the process of going number 2, I asked if she was and and she replied “poop” then went and got the potty chair-better late than never? The following day I saw “the look” and asked if she needed to go poop-we haven’t been potty training her up to this point. She immediately ran to the bathroom and brought the potty out, then began undoing her diaper, then went-YAY! Later that day she pointed to her hiney and said “poop” stripped down then, again, ran to the bathroom and fetched the potty chair. She set it down and was instantly distracted by daddy’s laugh from the other room. She paused and watched him for a moment then headed back to sit down on her throne-but wait! Who ids that cute thing in the mirror? She climbed up on a bench and began dancing. Naked. In front of the mirror. Then pooped. While dancing. In front of the mirror. So it looks like we have a ways to go as far as distractions are concerned, but I will enjoy her desire to be potty trained-unlike her 3 1/2 year old brother who just last week went back to underwear!
Now, forget about the poop, on to the recipe!
When my husband asked for theses this morning and I Googled recipes I wasn’t happy with any, so I winged it.
Pumpkin pancakes
2 1/2 c flour (I used white whole wheat)
1 Tbl baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 c brown sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp clove
1/4 tsp allspice
1/2 tsp nutmeg
Combine dry ingredients, then add;
1 15oz can pure pumpkin puree
2 Tbl flaxseed
2 Tbl oil
1 Tbl molasses
2 cups soy milk
1/4 water -more if batter is too thick
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
Stir well and cook like a pancake. If you need more instruction on that part I am sure there are tutorials 😉

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